Tought times for a Single Muslim

I am sixteen years old and I need help. A girl at the school in which I attend had started becoming close to me, talking to me and making me conjure feelings about her. Very soon I told her that I can’t talk to her anymore, and I broke any ties between her (ie: e-mail etc. etc.) but I still […]

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Communicating before Marriage

I wanted to ask a scholar’s point of view in terms of proper Islamic etiquette in regards to marriage. Is it proper to talk to someone through e-mail in regards to marriage? I’ve been asked by a sister if I could give my e-mail address to a brother who is looking for someone to marry. He has not seen me, […]

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What is Khula?

If a woman is wanting to seek Khulaa (female initiated divorce) due to mistreatment by the husband, does she have to give back the mahr and the non-mahr gifts received during the wedding time? Also, keep in mind that the husband pronounced talaq less than a year ago. If the wife is divorced, then the Khul’aa becomes redundant and invalid […]

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Spending Iddah at Parents House

If the husband divorces the wife and wants her to move back to her parents’ house to carry out the iddah period, is that permissible? If a man has divorced his wife (talaq) for the first or second time, she spends her iddah (waiting period) in his house and stays with him because she is still his wife and under […]

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Is it mandatory to wear Hijab?

Is it manditory for all girls to wear hijab? If they do not wear the hijab is this considered a sin?  The Quran and Sunnah both direct women to cover themselves and avoid displaying their adornments in front of ?strangers? (non-mahram men). The Quran tells the Prophet PBUH: “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of […]

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What is a Mahram?

Who can be a Mahram? Can my husband take my 70 year old grandmother for Umrah? Is he considered a mahram? Please provide any sources/references if you have.  The scholars have listed five conditions for a person to be considered a mahram. He should be male, Muslim, adult, and of sound mind, and he should be a relative to whom […]

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Abusive Husband and asking for Divorce

My husband has physically abused me and insults me when angry. His anger is terrifying. Is it ok to divorce him for this reason? I’m very sad to hear this news and I ask Allah SWT to grant you patience and perseverance. Such abuse is totally prohibited legally and Islamically. I would first bring this concern before an Imam who […]

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Clarify Divorce and Iddah

I have a few questions regarding iddah and divorce that I need clarification in. If the couple is going through Divorce, should they fill out the divorce forms during or after the iddah period? If they fill it during, and in the case that it is reconciled before the iddah is over, then they would have to get remarried? Secondly, […]

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Rights of a Husband in Islam

It is widely talked about how men don’t know the rights of women in Islam but the reality is that both sides do not have the correct understanding of each others rights. Men in general have a much more public role in society while the woman has more of an influence on the internal affairs of the family and the […]

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Rights of a Wife in Islam

The status of women in Islam is that of dignity, honor and respect. The current practices by many Muslim men don’t reflect their true status in our community today. Many men follow more of the cultural influences rather than the Islamic teachings that truly appreciate and respect women. This dignity and respect provided by Islam is way beyond what the […]

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