The Super Muslim Woman Syndrome

Have you ever wanted everything in your life to be perfect? Have you ever found yourself wanting the perfect marriage, the perfect kids, and to be the perfect daughter? Do you want the perfect life? If this is you then you definitely have a problem called ‘The Super Muslim Woman Syndrome’. You want to be a perfectionist, though perfectionism doesn’t exist in any human; you know it and I know it, that only Allaah (SWT) is perfect! It is not wrong to want to TRY to be a ‘Super Muslim Woman’, and I will show you in 2 easy steps that you can do it too insha’Allaah.

Step1: Work on ONE goal at a time

Try to be the ‘best’ in that particular task. For example, you want to be a great cook; you need to practice cooking as often as you can insha’Allaah. If this is something you wish to do to please your family, then you must try your best and practice often, insha’Allaah.

Step 2: Balance your Time

This is difficult for many sisters to understand as when they get involved in something they focus 100% on that one task, which leaves no room for anything else, thus the other things around her start to fall apart. YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU’RE NOT DOING THIS! For example, you want to lose weight, and your on task, goals look clear, and everything is going according to plan, but now you’re spending way too much time in the kitchen, cooking really healthy food, and spending another 40 minutes for exercise, etc. As a result of this new healthy way of living you are not managing to do other important things. Maybe now you are missing your prayers, or are not able to do your other responsibilities as well. You have to make reasonable changes inshaAllaah, not drastic ones that will interfere with some of your other important daily tasks. Please note that people tend to do this, and then they get frustrated that their schedule isn’t flowing as well, so they quit their new way of healthy eating, to make everything else work.

My advice to you dear sister, is to work on one area and work on it until you have it working without much effort, and don’t forget to always balance yourself, insha’Allaah


By Zohra Sarwari – International Author, Speaker, Life & Business Coach.


  1. Moniba   •  

    This was a wonderful article ! Thanks for posting !

  2. Cevat   •  

    Assalamualaykum wahramatullah wabarokatuh,I just read this post & I can’t help by tears just streamed May Allah also shower His Rahmah upon my two brothers whom my Mama gv birth to & May He make them firm on the straight path & reunite us in Jannah Al Firdaus Ala, Allahumma AmeenLove u habibti, for the sake of Allah .fii amanillah

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