Importance of Compatibility

Compatibility by definition is as an adjective used for relationship that is “capable of existing or living together in harmony”. What a big and heavy word if you really think about it.

It encompasses so much that we desire and it includes as part of its explanation even bigger words like existing, living and harmony. As such we realize that compatibility is certainly a grave matter that is to be given much importance especially when getting married as you are about to take on a life partner for not just this life but InshAllah the next life as well. We see so many marriages break apart because due diligence and questions were not asked prior to marriage which could have saved a lot of grief for everyone. Spend the time to find out as much about the person as possible, do istikhara, consult others, do tawakkul in Allah and then move forward. The main point is not to rush and to do your homework; the rest is in Allah’s hands. Part of your homework is to make a good assessment of your own personality and what kind of person you will be compatible with .

So the question arises on who would be compatible for you. This is obviously not a simple answer but, in a nut shell, studies have shown that you are most compatible to people who are similar to you. So what you need to find is yourself internally in another person. But this causes another big issue which is that most of us never reflect of know what they are really like themselves. This is why at Muslim Harmony we have spend thousands of hours trying to figure out just this matter of you discovering yourself and moving forward to finding a compatible partner using our model of creating a personality profile on 7 different levels. We have done this after countless hours of study and primary research which included talking to so many advisers, family counselors, professors, relationship experts, researchers and imams to try to figure out the solution for this. This is why if you notice our questionnaire is quite long, but it’s a necessary evil to not only make you wonder about your own personality but to also create a personality profile for you which helps us determine matches for you accordingly with compatibility percentages.

Give yourself the time to create a true assessment about yourself and not just be in a utopian mindset of all is good and there are no flaws. This is what holds the key to finding a compatible partner as you are honest and sincere in your search in finding your soul mate and thinking truthfully about your own personality. Another important factor that many of us forget is Duaa, make lots and lots of Duaa that you find a person

  1 Comment

  1. noman   •  

    Assalam alakum , is good answer. I really appreciate it.
    Keep up the good work. May Allah reward you guys.

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