7 Tips For Arranging a Cheap yet Exciting Wedding

You will find that these techniques can be used in all scales of weddings and you can still have an amazing day to remember inshAllah.
  1. Invite fewer people– The more people you invite to your wedding the larger the bill gets. Try to keep the wedding invitation list limited to closest friends and relatives and NOT everyone you’ve ever met in your life. This probably adds up to the biggest expense considering a bigger venue and cost per plate etc.  
  2. Invitations Saving – Your invitations don’t have to be hand delivered and now with the invent of email/online services why do we still mail out wedding invitations. You can save a lot of money here. If you really want to do cards please outsource it to another cheaper country and trust us they do an amazing job.
  3. Food – This is a huge expense so make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck. Check and sample the food and stay within budget. Check around for prices at at least 3 or 4 venues and see what is the best option available. Main point is do your shopping around for the food as part of the venue expense.
  4. Wholesale Wedding Accessories – If you need wedding accessories for the reception, go through a wholesale dealer, not a wedding supply store — you’ll save a lot of money there. There are many online options available as well now.
  5. Wedding Dress Savings – This can be a huge expense as the dress is worn only once so set your budget wisely. There are also places if you look hard enough that you can buy the dress for about 10 – 30% of the price if its used. Also look around and ask some friends and relatives if they have a dress you could borrow etc. This is all dependent upon your budget and there is no shame in it whatsoever.
  6. No Boxed Gifts just Cash – Request on invitations that you don’t want gifts only envelopes. This will force people to give you money which helps offset the costs of the wedding. This is widely used and it is considered a norm to ask for this so don’t be shy.
  7. Decorated Locations – Consider a location that already has decorations in place OR requires fewer decorations. Other option is outdoor venues which are beautiful but have their own challenges so do your homework.


  1. Ellzy Beans   •  

    Thank you. I’ve been looking for information like this for a while now.

  2. Amina   •  

    Jazakallah khair for this. I am not sure why people do not follow these simple steps.

  3. Theresa McClinton   •  

    I think if u can do it and your not straining your financial life to have a large wedding then go for it. But taking out loans, spending the down payment u saved up to buy a house with, or being totally stressed over it, then its not worth it. It’s an individual choice, but people should be logical and realistic about how much THEY can spend on their wedding and not look at other people, playing the childhood game of “but if she can do it then why can’t I??”.

  4. Maj Nawaz   •  

    You’re right, it’s no one’s business. But looking at it from an Islamic and rational point of view, as this article shows us, being extravagant with it is not only setting your spouse, but also your family, up for a huge financial debt, as opposed to preparing your life for a successful marriage —- money can’t buy a family or happiness – it only buys people’s awe for a few days until they see something better than yours.

  5. Ayat Yayitsme   •  

    I love this article… Going to extremes just to please the attendants is silly..

    Allah most high says:
    “eat of the good things we have provided for you, BUT DO NOT GO TO EXCESS IN IT or my anger will be unleashed on you. Anyone who has my anger unleashed on him has plunged to his ruin”
    (surat Taha:81)

    You could have a simple nice wedding then use the money WISELY – possibly a better holiday? Umrah? Use the money to please Allah swt & watch the blessings shower upon you abundantly!

  6. Gail Williams   •  

    It isnt wise because the money could go into other things like children and Hajj. Plus one of the reasons why couples have problems in their marriage is money.
    Yet it does become other people’s business when the freshly married couple is asking for money after blowing theirs on a big wedding or worst, putting the parents in debt. The 3,000 that went into a dress could have been spent on a car, apartment or stuff for the baby. A wedding should not be about impressing people or being a drama queen.

  7. saleeka mohammed-ali   •  

    in my country we always follow the tradition of marriage at your home…cooking and feeding at your home…the whole family is involved in preparations which fosters togetherness; showing your skills in decorating etc…it is only lately that couples choose to copy america and canada and have to rent facilities/ cater etc…thereby putting themselves in debt…in the eyes of allah there must be witnesses for a marriage so i do not subscribe to the ‘nikkah’ procedure nor do i support the ‘hall’ ceremony…i thought you would have advised better….

  8. Ummi Abd'Kareem   •  

    OverSpending on wedding ceremonies does not make it blessed. Allah do not love d extravagant! Be moderate in all that you do. Seek Allah’s blessings rather than His displeasure.

  9. S.A   •  

    KEEP IT SIMPLE!!! you will grateful for it afterwards inshaAllah.

    The less fuss, the MORE khair bi’idnillahi ta’ala.

    Allah knows best.

  10. Rifat   •  

    Alhamdulillah….gr8 advice muslimmarriageadvice really appreciate it the advice is really simple but very effective if implemented.JajaakALLAHu kharan.

  11. Diana   •  

    i wish men ustrendand this and have big hearts..because wemen do not object whatsoever their men do..they take everything as their fate and cooperate..men must let go of their ego..its not gonna bring them joy..if they want their wives to respect them and obey them then they shuld first let go of their ego and respect their wives if they wont let go of their ego their wives will fear them ,hate them but never respect them from the depth of their hearts and whenever they will get a chance they will show their dislike..whether in this world or the next.

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