The Best of Father-In-Laws. Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alayhi wasallam.

Ustadh Abdul Wahab Saleem discusses a very touchy topic which is “In-Laws”. Everyone seem to have gone through the in-laws syndrome before marriage or during marriage. Let us learn from the best of mankind, our beloved Prophet pbuh and see how he was as a father-in-law.

Divorce. To Be or Not To Be

Ustadh Abdul Wahab Saleem discusses a very touchy topic which is Divorce and what leads to it. He shares a very funny story which happened to someone in real life. A man divorced 5 women within a matter of minutes. Do you know how? Watch the video!!!

Peaceful Family Gatherings

Shaykh Riad discusses the importance of spending quality time with family.  

Warm Greetings – Hugs & Kisses for your Beloved

Sheikh Riad talk about the important of greetings.  

Foundation of a Society

A short but sweet reminder by Sh Riad Ouarzazi.