The Waleemah (wedding feast)

The swank of Waleemah festivities today has become more of an attempt to out-spend one another rather than a gathering to offer gratitude to Allah. The following is a scenario of a Waleemah for a Muslim couple who recently entered the martial bond. Read through this situation and see if you can pick out anything that may not be acceptable […]

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Choosing A Mate Wisely

DISCUSSIONS WITH A close friend of mine were once dominated by her excitement and continuous expressions that she wanted to get married. She told me she had a brother in mind that captivated her with his charm, intelligence, and handsome looks. She said that he was interested in her as well. She said many things about him, but none of […]

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The Fires of Marriage: Fire #1: Is Your Spouse Inconsiderate of Your Time?

IN OUR INTRODUCTION (“The Fires of Marriage: How to Stop Fighting With Your Spouse”) we discussed how marital conflict can be used as a tool to bring couples closer by strengthening their bond. Just as Allah’s Messenger œ mentioned that fitnah (tribulation) purifies the believer like a forge-fire purifies gold, there is perhaps no relationship that can purify a person better […]

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Parenting in Mixed Marriages

If children are born into a marriage, it can highlight many of the differences that you were originally able to overlook as a couple. Some cultural differences, like food preferences and language difficulties, may be overcome in the first years of marriage. However, other challenges, like how to rear children, can stretch on for the whole of a couple’s parenting […]

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Build Trust with Your Spouse | Blessed Home Series

A healthy Muslim marriage is built on love, friendship, peace harmony and most importantly a foundation of trust. When a man and woman marry in Islam it is a promise between both of them that they will love and honour the sacred relationship of marriage. This means that they should fulfill their promise and keep their relationship as transparent between them as […]

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Marriage And Divorce In Islam!

Marriage is a lawful union between man and woman based on mutual consent comprising devotion, intimacy, and respect of each other. Islam is the strongest advocate of marriage as it is a moral safeguard along social necessity. The purpose behind marriage is to foster state of companion between man and wife as it has declared half faith in Deen e […]

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5 Tips for Courtship in Islam (Watch)

In this video, professional counselor Karim Serageldin gives tips to keep in mind as you get to know someone for the sake of Muslim marriage in a western cultural context. Karim Serageldin, founder of Noor, completed his BA in psychology & religion, followed by an MA in east-west psychology with a specialization in spiritual counseling. He is a certified life coach with years […]

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10 Tips for A Thriving Marriage

There’s something you already know: that your marriage is worth investing in. By Dunia Shuaib Everyone dreams of having a passionate and fulfilling marriage. Yet, few actually take the time to learn, plan, and invest in their relationships. Your crops will only yield as much as the effort you put into harvesting and nurturing them. The same applies to your […]

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Overcoming Cultural Differences in an Intercultural Marriage

Once you’re one half of an intercultural marriage, you are set to experience all the challenges and blessings it brings. While intercultural marriages can have their difficulties, one of the blessings of Islam is that sharing a common religion can smooth over some of the rough edges. Having a shared religion makes it easier to choose how to raise the […]

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How to have a Happy Family

Below are some steps you can take to make your family life more relaxing and enjoyable. One thing to remember is that In family life its always the small steps that add up to big results. Plan for Disciplining Children The first issue that arises for parents is how to discipline the children. It is important that before having children […]

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