Overcoming Cultural Differences in an Intercultural Marriage

Once you’re one half of an intercultural marriage, you are set to experience all the challenges and blessings it brings. While intercultural marriages can have their difficulties, one of the blessings of Islam is that sharing a common religion can smooth over some of the rough edges. Having a shared religion makes it easier to choose how to raise the […]

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How to Talk About Sex and Menstruation with Kids?

Question: At what age should you begin to talk to your daughter about sex and starting her period? Mine is 8 and I know some girls that started at 9. I’m just nervous about doing this. How to bring it up and how to explain it so that it’s understood without using medical words? Answer: As-Salamu ‘Alaykum, In the name […]

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How to have a Happy Family

Below are some steps you can take to make your family life more relaxing and enjoyable. One thing to remember is that In family life its always the small steps that add up to big results. Plan for Disciplining Children The first issue that arises for parents is how to discipline the children. It is important that before having children […]

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Communication, the Most Important Skill in a Marriage

Question: My husband, who is otherwise a wonderful person, has some personality issues that confuse me. He can deny something he did in a very convincing way and years later admit it. I’m wondering if he has memory issues. But the problem is that this causes confusion, loss of trust, and other issues in our relationship. Why would he intentionally […]

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My Husband Makes Me Feel Like an Object

Question: As salaam-aleikum. I am 29 years old, practising muslimah. I married my husband over a year ago. It was an arranged marriage. I saw him once and Alhamdulillah liked him. We spoke for few minutes and I found him quite agreeable. After that, we never spoke. In fact, I saw him only on our wedding night. Initially, I felt […]

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Shall We End Our Relationship for Our Parents’ Sake?

Question: I live in a very conservative society where parents choose one’s husband/wife; you don’t have a choice. I have been in a relationship with a guy for 5 years now. He has done everything in these years so that my parents would like him and consider his proposal. Now I am about to tell my parents about him, but […]

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How to Deal With Money Fights in Marriage?

Communication is the key to most marital issues and  financial challenges are no exception. By honoring each other and knowing one’s rights and duties, you will be able to reach an agreement. This video by Marriagesucess offers advice by Islamic scholars and marriage counselors on how to deal with money fights in marital life.

Marital Bliss in Ramadan: 8 Awesome Tips to Keep Your Love Alive

Although married couples are not permitted to be intimate to the level which may lead to intercourse while fasting, there are many other ways to express your love for one another during Ramadan. Allah [swt] says in the ayah: “It has been made permissible for you the night preceding fasting to go to your wives [for sexual relations]. They are clothing […]

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An Intimate Ramadan

So, you have set your Ramadan goals and are on your way to achieving them with consistency and persistence, insha Allah. Everyone seems to have set their sights on creating a productive ramadan by increasing our ibadah in terms of prayer, sadaqah, Qur’an, etc. However, one aspect of ibadah (or an aspect which can be considered sadaqah when done with […]

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Islam and Intimacy

In Islam satisfying one’s sexual appetite is a both a vehicle to perpetuating the human race and curbing one’s most basic and primitive desires. A rewarding Intention: Lawfully satisfying one’s sexual appetite is a means of lowering one’s gaze and guarding one’s modesty. It is by the Mercy of Allah that muslims are rewarded for lawfully satisfying their sexual appetites. […]

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