Even the Prophets Had Family Problems

ANY OF US struggle with familial relationships. Sometimes, it can be overwhelmingly lonely. But even in the most difficult of family times, remember: even the Prophets had family issues. And despite their struggles, they continued in the path of God, knowing He was with them and that they were not alone—just as we must know through our own struggles. You […]

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You Were a Spouse Before You Became a Parent

Escapism is officially defined as: Es·cap·ism (-skpzm) n. The tendency to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment. *** He arrives home at 8:30 p.m, exhausted from the day’s work. As he shuts the front door gently, she hears him enter, totally engrossed in the latest plot twist of the local prime time television show. […]

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Successful marriage is about more than rights!

By: Abu Ibrahim Source: IslamicLearningMaterials.com Articles and books that contain the phrase “Rights of the Muslim Wife/Husband” should be banned. Those are some of the worst and destructive articles I’ve ever encountered in the English-Muslim world. This is not to say that Muslim men and women do not have rights. Of course they do. But I don’t think it’s wise for […]

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Marriage with Qur’an, a Sinful Act in Islam

Marriage in Islam is consent between two people for a lifetime relation that entails a bond and connection between man and woman. Islam a peaceful religion permits a person to select his/her spouse with freedom of choice as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) entire biography is a beacon, guidance for the ignorant ones to shred illegal, un-Islamic customs that violates Shariah. Tradition […]

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Relationship Tips -“What Does A Woman Want?”

Why Marriages Breaks over Time? What Does a Woman need in a Marriage? Are you in a Relationship which is withering away with time? Do you find it difficult to Understand a Woman ?Do you have a feeling that It is your wife who is responsible for the lack of Emotions in your Marriage. Well, I do not deny that there […]

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On Muslims, Sex and Dead Bedrooms

Should we really talk about sex? Why do some Muslims still shy away from discussing sex and intimacy issues? Why do some couples accept and surrender to a very boring relationship instead of trying to make it enjoyable? Is it our religion that prohibits such discussions and allows us a very tight space of pleasure and exploration when it comes […]

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Moments of Romantic Love Between the Prophet & Aisha

By Hatem Aly In the first instance, people may think that a Muslim woman is a victim of man and society. Let us see how Islam valued woman and protected her from being a commodity that could be sold and bought, let us see how Prophet Muhammad was a women rights hero in the Arabian Peninsula. In the pre-Islamic era, […]

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How to have a Happy Family

Below are some steps you can take to make your family life more relaxing and enjoyable. One thing to remember is that In family life its always the small steps that add up to big results. Plan for Disciplining Children The first issue that arises for parents is how to discipline the children. It is important that before having children […]

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How to Deal with Depression After Divorce?

Question: Asalaamualaikum. I hope my mail finds you well. My wife and I were married for just over a year. Before this we dated for three years. A few months ago my wife started her own business. I did my best to be supportive of her in her new venture. In the process, she (my wife) met with and interacted […]

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