Recipe for a Happy Marriage

With the rate of divorces and separations on the rise all over the world, there is a universal question that everyone wants answered… “How can I have a happy marriage?” While there is no definitive answer to the question, there are a lot of opinions and tips we can take from those who have been experiencing a blissful and happy […]

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Peaceful Family Gatherings

Shaykh Riad discusses the importance of spending quality time with family.  

5 Tips on How to Live the Last Day of Your Life

1. Say your prayers. Many people believe in the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and there is no better time to pray to Him, and worship Him then on your last day. However, we all know that we should be praying and worshiping the Creator at all times, but on your last day, make sure that you remember […]

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Controlling anger before it controls you!

‎”I was so angry and in the process divorced my wife! I did not mean to!” How many times have we heard this line? May Allah protect the ummah…Ameen. Dear reader, all of us at some time or another have experienced this natural human emotion; we have even witnessed anger in children! Anger is an adaptive response to threats; it […]

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So You Have Found The Perfect Person.

So you found the girl you want to get married to, and you go and propose. You make sure your hair is combed, teeth are brushed and you wear the best of your garments and get ready to meet her family. In your head you may be thinking and rehearsing every possible situation or just being relaxed and making your […]

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10 Super cool tips to keep your husband happy

Most of life is habitual. You do the same things you did yesterday, the day before and every day for the last month. Habits, good or bad, make you who you are. The key is controlling them. If you know how to change your habits, then even a small effort can create big changes in your relationships. It is not […]

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What is Love? Love for the sake of Allah

What is love? Love, according to the Oxford dictionary is, “a strong feeling of affection.” If this definition is analysed, love could be many things; love could be desire or love could be lust. To go more in depth, love can be of many types; love for yourself, love for objects, love for desire, motherly love and the list goes […]

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Envy [Hasad]

Envy (Hasad) means resenting the blessings of Allah that are enjoyed by the one who is envied, and wishing that it be taken away. In other words, the envier wishes that the blessing be taken away from the one whom he envies, whether the blessing comes to him or not. So the envier resents the blessing of Allah and wishes […]

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Chores! Chores! Chores! – The Husband Edition

Once the ‘honeymoon’ phase of a marriage is over and the reality of marriage sets in, many small issues may arise that one needs to address right away before they become larger and lead to separation or divorce. Amongst these problems is housework or chores. The name itself brings about dreaded memories amongst some of spending many, many laborous hours […]

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Istikhaarah – Do you know how?

We get a lot of questions regarding Istikhaarah (prayer for guidance) and how to perform it. Seems like this practice is completely neglected until it’s time for choosing a marriage partner. And because many of us don’t practice this on a regular basis, we don’t really know how to perform it, nor what to expect. There are some serious misconceptions […]

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