Marrying overseas

Many Muslims for a variety of reasons have ventured into getting married across borders and cultures in many different scenarios. This has worked for many people and has been a disaster for others. We have looked into this matter and have found the success and failure factors in these marriages. To dig deeper into this topic we have to separate […]

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Courting according to Islam

Please understand the following principles as many people take them lightly and make many mistakes. Please read this brief explanation of each section but if more information is needed please research the topic further. Proposing or Approaching First step is to propose to the family or the sister directly. In Arabic the word for this is “khitbah”, known to us […]

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Getting Married Young

In this article we will see what the positives and negatives of getting married at a young age as Muslims. Pros The husband and wife will be able to protect themselves from all the temptations that surround them. At a young age, temptation levels are at their peak and it is generally very hard to control one’s desires. This should […]

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Choosing a Muslim Husband

A lot is mentioned all the time about what to look for in a wife but what about a Husband. This article will explain to you what is recommended to us by Islam in choosing a husband. 1. Deen and Character From the Islamic perspective there are two main points of emphasis when selecting a husband: good character and Deen. […]

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Second Chance: Causes and Lessons from Divorce in Muslims

Practimate created a unique survey, one that dives into matters of divorce amongst Muslims. This survey was unique, in that it is the first survey in the West that goes through the causes of divorce and the lessons learned by Muslim divorcees, around the globe.  This article discusses the patterns that are emerging and what has been learned from the increasing statistic. […]

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Istikhaarah – Do you know how?

We get a lot of questions regarding Istikhaarah (prayer for guidance) and how to perform it. Seems like this practice is completely neglected until it’s time for choosing a marriage partner. And because many of us don’t practice this on a regular basis, we don’t really know how to perform it, nor what to expect. There are some serious misconceptions […]

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Importance of Compatibility

Compatibility by definition is as an adjective used for relationship that is “capable of existing or living together in harmony”. What a big and heavy word if you really think about it. It encompasses so much that we desire and it includes as part of its explanation even bigger words like existing, living and harmony. As such we realize that […]

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Love Marriage or an Arranged Marriage?

The issue of this marriage depends on the ruling on what came before it. If the love between the two parties did not transgress the limits set by Allaah or make them commit sin, then there is the hope that the marriage which results from this love will be more stable, because it came about as the result of the […]

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Visual versus Emotional

Allah has created men and women differently. One of the most pronounced differences between genders when it comes to issues of intimacy is arousal. Each gender has been keyed to respond to different senses. If a couple wishes to maximize feelings of closeness and intimacy, it is essential that each party understands the other’s arousal mechanism. For men, the primary […]

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Arranged Marriage

We just can’t get rid of this cliché as a community. It still haunts us in the 20th century even though Islam has been protecting the rights of both women and men regarding this issue since the time of the Prophet SAW. Nowadays we still have this issue and people are still forced into marriage (not physically anymore but severe […]

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