Peaceful Family Gatherings

Shaykh Riad discusses the importance of spending quality time with family.  

What is Love? Love for the sake of Allah

What is love? Love, according to the Oxford dictionary is, “a strong feeling of affection.” If this definition is analysed, love could be many things; love could be desire or love could be lust. To go more in depth, love can be of many types; love for yourself, love for objects, love for desire, motherly love and the list goes […]

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Envy [Hasad]

Envy (Hasad) means resenting the blessings of Allah that are enjoyed by the one who is envied, and wishing that it be taken away. In other words, the envier wishes that the blessing be taken away from the one whom he envies, whether the blessing comes to him or not. So the envier resents the blessing of Allah and wishes […]

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