About Us

Assalamu ’Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu my Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam.

In a field wrought with multiple players, and a few with any success, the Muslim Harmony advantage brings an innovative approach that promises success. Our aim is to change the societal paradigms surrounding matchmaking for Muslims, and make marriage easy for the Muslim community just like our religion accomplished centuries ago.

Advice central is a section allocated for advice where you will be able to find articles and resources from leading experts and renowned scholars, regarding how to make pre and post marriage life pleasurable and blissful. It will also include trusted courses and counselors that can be of assistance in times of need. We will also have firsthand accounts by users regarding their experiences and how they dealt with certain issues. We are also aiming to provide accurate answers to any and all of your queries in this section.

Our ultimate goal is to make marriages easier for our community while making sure it’s carried out in an entirely Islamic manner. We care for the Ummah and are committed to the cause, and we hope that Allah will put barakah in this project and all the projects by Serve Muslims Inc.

JazakAllah Khair,
Muslim Harmony Team